Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Today I thought of love, and the ways that it is expressed. I was, in my head thinking about the ways that I wish I could love and show love. All that I could think of is the "best" ways to show my love and to be affectionate, would involve a form of intimacy and proximity. And a sudden thought hit my mind that I believe runs so true that I felt a need to express it. When thinking of love most go straight to a "typical" relationship, where the people who love each other show their affection by physical means, that involve a form of closeness. While this can be true, I strayed to the thought, but of which love is the greatest with the least amount of physical interaction? God's love. God's love is the greatest love that I know, and He does not express His love by any physical means, but instead shows His love by the means that are far greater than those. God shows his love by listening, observing, speaking (by this I mean through the Bible), and providing for us His creations. While I know God is everywhere, I also know that I am, in my physical state unable to hug God, and this is what I mean by a physical proximity. And the love that I can express to those that I love does not need to be close or intimate way, but the love that I can show may be even stronger if I am just there for the ones that I love, if I have a feeling of pride in them, and I show support in any way that I can, and if I have an interest in the health safety and well-being of those I love. I realize that I do not need to be close geographically to those that I love to care for them, but I do need to be willing to listen to them when they need, and provide for them however I can.



Thursday, July 5, 2012


(Just a warning, this post is going to be really, really vague, and I will only answer questions about it privately and personally. I just wanted to get this part out of my head.)
There have been a few subjects that have been going through my mind lately, and honestly I really don't know what I think anymore. The few subjects are very different, but as far as my head is concerned, they have the same thought process. "I have no idea as to what I think". It is as simple and complex as that, and I am beyond frustrated at myself for not having a clue on any of these subjects. All that I seem to do is ask myself question, after question, after question about how I feel, what I want to do and what I should do about them. (Because what I want to do and what I should do are two completely different things.) Inevitably I end up infuriating myself and, have to force myself to think of something else before I explode... or something. Some days I just wish that I didn't think like I do, not that I want to be someone else, but just that I would have a different thought process. Alright, no more melancholy. 



Sunday, July 1, 2012


Does anyone else remember as a kid being forced to do creative writing, and being told that if you did not know what to write, you were to at lest write down on the page "I do not know what to write"? I do and  I never got that concept, but I have always assumed it was to just keep the students who hated that activity busy while the other children worked. I was always one of the children that ended up writing "I do not know what to write" hundreds of times until creative writing time was up. This feeling towards writing was the same until after my senior year and that was when I decided I wanted to write a book, here we are two years later and only about ten thousand words in, and at this point however I seem to be reverting back to my childhood "I do not know what to write" phase. I wish I could find some way to be inspired to finish, but alas thus far I have come to no avail. I always do, however have my two short stories to work on, but they will soon be done and I will have no where to go when I want to avoid my big project. Maybe it's time for a new big project? Not to say that I will let my other large project go, but I think I need to work on something fresh that will inspire my creative ability again. Decisions....decisions...


S.A.D. 4 Ever

Monday, June 18, 2012

A few updates

I feel as though I should give everyone a few quick updates into my life, and so here it goes:

I am very much so enjoying my summer, though my work schedule is not ideal it seems as though I complain about it, but then go and enjoy all of the time I work.
I have been working on my tan, this years goal is to have at least the upper half of my body be a congruent color.
I am enjoying the time that I have got to spend with family, that I would not know half as well if I were not living with them. (And I appreciate that they are allowing me the opportunity)
I am still working on my book(s), and my short stories. ( I don't know if one of my books is going to have enough material for a good read)
I have ventured into the past this summer and picked up a few old games form my childhood and let them loose.
I am working on working out, its hard when I don't have a good friend as a motivator, but I believe that my plans for the future will bring me to a more motivated mood.
I know this list is short, but it is all I can think of for now.

I bid you adeu,

Monday, June 4, 2012

Not forgotten!!

"Whats up pluckers!"

I just wanted to write a little snippit to say that this blog is not forgotten, but alas I have not much to write on these days anew. So I believe I shall make an effort to write in the marrow.... Have a wonderful evening!
With love,

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Here's to new beginnings

I have decided that I like writing about what is on my mind so much, that I couldn't keep away for long! :) The Amazing Murse is going to be more about my present life, what I am up to, and my thoughts about the things that are going on around me. So here is to new beginnings! *Cheers*
(Still trying to think of a witty sign off that will go here),
Shayne D. (almost) R.N.